Check Your Bill

1300 484 140

Monday - Saturday

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1300 484 140

Monday - Saturday

How We Get Paid

Updated April 2024

How We Get Paid

For Health insurance advice Check Your Bill have partnered with The ItsMy Group (IMG).
IMG have relationships with the health funds that form our panel.

If a Check Your Bill insurance advisor assists you by:

  •  advising you of a more suitable product with one of our partner Health funds
  •  and you join that partner fund – (to view the partner funds click here )

IMG receive a payment from that fund when you join them and they pass that fee on to us.
For most funds this is a one-off fee but it can also be paid in increments over several years.

Our health insurance advisors do not know how much we are paid by the fund they recommend, that is kept completely confidential from them.

Our service can be viewed as another marketing channel for health funds, but importantly you don’t pay anything extra to the health fund on top of your premium as a result of joining them through us.

Both Check Your Bill and IMG are signatories to the Private Health insurance Intermediaries association code of conduct