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7 Tips for Making Healthy Lifestyle Changes

When it comes to making healthy lifestyle changes, whether it’s exercising more, drinking less, or starting to practice mindfulness, it’s never as simple as ‘just doing it.’ Here are effective strategies for creating a healthier lifestyle and, more importantly, how to stick to it: 1. Connect Your Lifestyle Change to an Existing Habit Our days are full of habits, from brushing our teeth to showering, feeding pets, and changing clothes after work. Use these existing habits as your cue to practice new behaviors. For example, your morning cup of coffee could be your reminder to do a 10-minute meditation or…

July 24, 2024/
What are out-of-pocket costs?

An out-of-pocket cost refers to the amount you need to pay for a medical appointment or treatment. Often termed a ‘gap payment’ or ‘patient payment,’ your out-of-pocket cost is the difference between what your doctor, allied health professional, or hospital charges for a service and what Medicare or your private health insurer covers for that service. When you receive medical treatment, any gap between the charges from your healthcare provider and what Medicare or your private health insurer pays for that service becomes your responsibility. This is the fundamental concept of out-of-pocket costs. Understanding how out-of-pocket costs work can help…

July 10, 2024/
How looking after your health could save you money

If you’ve ever faced a prolonged illness or injury, you understand that health truly equals wealth. Being unwell not only restricts your lifestyle but also can be costly. With GP visits averaging $74.66 and the Medicare rebate covering only $39.75, and Australians visiting a GP 5.6 times a year on average, maintaining good health is a worthwhile investment of your time, energy, and money. Healthy choices can lead to significant financial savings. A Victorian study found that families adhering to the Australian Dietary Guidelines can save $150 a fortnight on groceries. Additionally, if you smoke a pack of cigarettes daily,…

July 10, 2024/
How health Insurance can support your 2024 goals

Every year, many Australians set New Year’s resolutions to enhance their lives in various ways, and 2024 is no different. Some focus on improving their wellbeing, while others prioritize financial fitness or other personal goals. If you’ve made resolutions to improve your health or financial situation this year, reviewing your Private Health Insurance could be beneficial. For those without a policy, now might be the perfect time to consider getting one. At CheckYourBill, we help you explore Private Health Insurance options that align with your resolutions. Whether you’re aiming for better health coverage or financial savings, starting with a review of…

July 9, 2024/
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